1. To cuddle your baby when it cries actually develops their mind. Once all the practical reasons a baby might cry are dealt with (hunger, wind, wet nappy, temperature, illness), giving a cuddle provides the baby with comfort and emotional nourishment. This keeps the baby calmer and will give the baby more confidence and stability as they grow. People say you might spoil your baby, but for newborns, they are too young to be spoilt or get clingy at this stage. You are simply giving them what they need! It answered so many small little questions and was totally fascinating.
I had been concerned I was putting her down too much. I had been concerned about holding her for too long and over-stimulating her. I was concerned she would be bored. But not any more!
2. The other thing I learnt was that breastfeeding stimulates dopamine in the mother making her sleepy. The woman explained that at night you might find that you're nodding off while feeding your baby and that to burp your baby afterwards seems beyond you. Now I know why!
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